go-wright Ltd



We have a very experienced foreman stonemason who has an eye for detail and an understanding of the making and use of lime mortars and the relevant techniques.  He has worked on numerous masonry restoration and repair works on a variety of stonework contracts. His specialist skill is carving sandstone by hand.



Private Property, Lanark

Construction of extension with sandstone features to match existing building.


Private House, Glasgow

As part of our contract to extend and refurbish a private house, our stonemasons hand carved sandstone to match the existing stonework on the house.


23-24 Woodside Place, Glasgow

Rebuilding of chimneys and supply of new carved masonry units – This project was partially funded by Glasgow City Council Heritage Fund


Knowleburn Flood Prevention, Dumbarton

Build foundations and construction of stone wall including copings and feature pier caps as part of a flood prevention scheme in Dumbarton.


Atholl & Coates Crescent, Edinburgh

Restoration and repair to listed municipal garden areas to Edinburgh adjacent to new tram system.