go-wright Ltd

Quality Control


All operatives – inhouse and subcontractor –  receive a comprehensive, project specific induction to ensure that they fully understand the scope of works and quality standards required.  On-site inductions and toolbox talks are held on a regular basis.


Our Procedures Manual (which meets the requirements of ISO9001:2000 and is designed to meet the Company’s desire for high quality workmanship and customer satisfaction) incorporates a fully developed set of systems and processes for all elements of work, including the management of our Supply Chain.


Our Site Managers are responsible for checking and maintaining the  standards of work produced by our team.  By checking key work processes and critical stage inspections, we ensure a ‘right first time’ approach by both our directly employed operatives and supply chain.


In the event of a defect,  our dedicated Aftercare Team will co-ordinate to resolve these issues.